X Wood Wick 9mm - GW464/Kerax blend

X Wood Wick 9mm - GW464/Kerax blend

Lychee and Peony would have to be one of our favourite scents. I almost always add it as my fragrance with all our testing candles. 

Here we have a 80mm jar using a combination of GW464/Kerax blend. The wood wick used in our X wood wick in 9mm

The initial burn we achieved a full melt pool within 4 hours with some sticky wax on the side. The same happened with the second burn, as you can see with the photo. With consecutive burns the wax catches up and the hot throw is sensational. 

An important note is that each wax performs differently. Self testing is extremely important, this is just a guide to help you make a informed decision what wick is best suited for your wax and vessels.